Uniforms and Dress Code
Students in the elementary Cogito Program wear uniforms each school day. Students in the junior high as well as the Global program are not required to wear uniforms and should follow the appropriate dress code.
In addition to the uniform, the following is expected for Cogito students:
- closed-toe black shoes (no heels, embellishments, sandals, crocs or boots)
- hair accessories and jewellery must be understated and coordinate with the Cogito colours.
The exceptions for the dress code are:
- Spirit Days – on selected days each month, the Student Leadership Team chooses a theme such as silly hat day, jersey day or tacky sweater day. Students in the Cogito Program may choose to participate in the theme day and wear non-uniform attire or wear their uniform
- last two weeks in June
Junior High Dress Code Expectations
- All students are expected to wear clothing that meets/maintains the high standards of the Gish community.
- Collared shirts or tops and t-shirts are acceptable.
- Jeans and casual fitted pants are acceptable.
- No undergarments or midriff can be showing
- Logos and sayings must be respectful and school appropriate. School staff members have the final word.
- Hats may be permitted at the teacher’s discretion but are expected to be removed during anthems, treaty acknowledgments, and moments of silence.
Physical Education Change Out
Students in all grades are expected to have running shoes for physical education classes. Starting in Grade 4, students are expected to have a change of clothes (t-shirts and shorts or track pants) for physical education classes.
Elmer S. Gish, along with all schools in St. Albert, will not tolerate froshing. District policy clearly states that students “will neither initiate, participate in, nor encourage froshing”. Consequences for such behaviour could result in suspension or expulsion.
Drug-Free Schools
All secondary schools in St. Albert are committed to implementing a Protocol Respecting Drug Free Schools. Under this protocol:
- Possession of or trafficking in illegal drugs in any form is an illegal act utterly incompatible with the School Act.
- Random patrols of the school may be conducted by school administrators and the RCMP, including canine members. Should these result in detection of an illegal substance, recommendation for expulsion from the school will be the norm.
- In all cases, parents or legal guardians will be notified.
Personal Digital Devices (PDD)
Junior High Students
In accordance with the Government of Alberta’s Ministerial Order, Elmer S Gish is committed to ensuring we are providing a focused, engaged, safe and caring learning environment for our students. We value the importance of social engagement, and recognize that our students make these connections using their phones. In addition, we value self-regulation and feel it is paramount that students understand when to be on their phone and when not to be.
Cell phones are to be switched to silent and placed in their lockers during instructional time. If students have their phones out in the classroom or in the hallway during instructional time, teachers are permitted to confiscate the phone and bring it to the front office where your child can pick it up at the end of the day. Students are able to have their phones prior to Pd. 1, during AM BREAK and during lunch hour.
Elementary Students
We encourage all students in grades K - 6 to leave their Personal Digital Devices at home.
If you need to speak with your child during the school day, please feel free to contact the
front office 780-459-7766.
Every classroom will have its own set of rules and procedures as determined by the teacher and students in that particular school year. In addition to these classroom rules, the school operates by a set of general regulations and procedures implemented to ensure the health, safety and success for our school community. These general regulations include, but are not limited to the following:
Students will:
- be diligent in their studies
- attend school regularly and be on time
- treat others with respect and use proper manners
- play safe, “hands off” games that respect personal safety and the safety of others. Examples of dangerous games include tackle football, throwing snowballs or other dangerous objects and play fighting. Such activities are not acceptable.
- dress appropriately (see Appropriate Dress)
- treat the school environment with care and respect
- cooperate fully with staff
The school division has adopted a Code of Student Conduct. Students are expected to comply with this code. A copy is sent home with each student at the beginning of the school year. Additional copies can be requested from the school office.
- to maintain a safe and caring environment in which teaching and learning are maximized
- to provide instruction, support and encouragement that empower students to become self-disciplined responsible citizens of the school, community and the world
Guiding Principles
We believe that:
- Success is a key factor in the development of self worth and positive behaviour.
- Respect for self, others, and the school environment is fundamental for success.
- Everyone is responsible for his/her behaviour.
- Everyone is expected to follow the school rules.
- Clear expectations and communication are important for growth and success.
- Students will learn acceptable behaviour through the use of a problem solving approach.
- Teamwork between staff, parents, and students is important in developing positive behaviour, pride and school spirit.
Discipline Approach
Three important levels of discipline are addressed within the school.
1. Preventive Discipline
- provides instruction, clarification and modelling
- focuses on effective pro-social behaviour
- encourages responsibility and respect
- strategies include:
- instructional programs such as Health and Lifeskills, and iLEAD Character Education
- community initiatives such as community fundraisers
- leadership opportunities such as student council and volunteer roles
- relationship-building opportunities such as school spirit events, teams and cross-age activities
- recognition programs such as showcasing student work and awards programs
2. Supportive Discipline
- accountability for high expectations
- low key interventions such as identification of inappropriateness and prompting of acceptable behaviour
- problem-solving approach including individual, small group and classroom meeting
3. Intensive Discipline
- responds to behaviours that are disruptive to a safe and orderly environment
- frequency, duration and intensity (severity) of behaviours are important factors
- logical and/or appropriate consequences include but are not limited to:
- accounting to parents
- making appropriate apologies, and where possible, restitution
- being referred to attendance board
- losing privileges for a time
- rendering service or serving a detention
- being temporarily excluded from a class
- serving an in-school suspension
- serving an out-of-school suspension
- agreeing to a contract to improve personal conduct
- receiving assistance from the police liaison officer
- being expelled from school
- grounds for disciplinary action that could lead to suspension or expulsion exist where a student has demonstrated unacceptable behaviour such as:
- consistently disruptive, defiant behaviours
- conduct that threatens the safety of students and/or staff
- behaviours that are a threat to personal safety may result in parent school conferences, suspensions and alternate assignments of programs
- possession and/or use of a weapon
- theft
- possession, trafficking or use of illegal drugs, alcohol or inhalants
Our school division is a partner in the St. Albert and Sturgeon Regional Violence and Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA) Protocol. The regional partnership includes school divisions, emergency services and community agencies, all working together for the safety of all children, youth and families.
View division Code of Student Conduct and Student Acceptable Use of Technology form